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Оксана Колосовська
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Professional Ukrainian Transcription Services by Native Experts


Beyond a doubt, we find ourselves in a digital era. Driven by the expansion of mobile internet access and the rapid improvement of connection speeds, the growing number of mobile and streaming devices leads to a consistent increase in the demand for various types of digital media. Currently, audio and video content can be easily accessed on nearly any gadget and from any corner of the world. Remarkably, in 2022, online videos had reached 93 percent of the global digital population.

What is more, the domain of social media is undergoing rapid expansion. As of April 2023, social media users constituted almost 60 percent of the world's population. The amount of time individuals dedicate to engaging with social media has steadily risen over the past decade. Thus, in 2023, people spent on average 151 minutes per day on social media.

Resultantly, approximately 85% of online communication consists of audio and video content. But what if you desire to comprehend media content in Ukrainian? This isn't surprising, given that Ukrainian full-scale war is widely discussed all over the world.

If you need to understand spoken content in Ukrainian, you will naturally need to transcribe and potentially translate it. To achieve this goal, you can either utilise speech-to-text software or engage a human transcriber.

Comparison between Speech Recognition Algorithms and Human Transcribers





Automated systems enable instant transcription and effective management of large volumes.

Manual transcription can be time-consuming, especially for extensive projects. 


Software may struggle to understand context and differentiate between homophones, potentially leading to contextually inaccurate results.

Experienced native Ukrainian transcribers grasp context with seamless fluency. 

Background Noise

External noises and disturbances, such as background chatter or acoustic environment, can greatly decrease the recognition rate. 

Human brains are the best tool ever for recognising the spoken word in all situations. 


Software might fail to comprehend cultural references, leading to transcripts lacking cultural sensitivity. In addition, tools often face challenges in capturing linguistic nuances, humour, and emotional colouring. All this results in misinterpretations or loss of intended meaning. 

Human transcribers employ cultural subtleties, which guarantees culturally sensitive transcripts.

People easily navigate ambiguity, providing nuanced transcriptions with emotional comprehension. 


Speech-to-text software providers often process and store voice data for training, raising privacy concerns because sensitive information can be accessed by unauthorised parties. 

Transcription agencies guarantee confidentiality. They typically  manage any media content with top-tier discretion, safeguarding sensitive data throughout the process.


Numerous free and affordable speech-to-text tools exist. But high-quality solutions can be costly, especially for professional or business use. Moreover, maintaining and training the software may involve additional resources.

Expert transcription services' pricing varies, with some agencies offering competitive rates. For example, you can book Ukrainian transcription services for as low as £0.75 per minute of recording.

Undoubtedly, different software options might exhibit varying levels of accuracy and efficacy. However, if you need to understand a Ukrainian conversation, video, or song and require an accurate transcript, you now know who can provide it. In case you also need translation to English, consider hiring our Ukrainian audio translator.

Why Choose Our Ukrainian Transcription Services?

Outstanding Professionalism 

Our transcribers hold degrees in Ukrainian language from esteemed universities, ensuring meticulous and contextually accurate transcriptions that capture nuances of original message.

100% Human Transcription Guarantee 

Our Ukrainian transcripts are exclusively crafted by human experts. We avoid automated tools. This human touch ensures that transcriptions render emotions and spoken nuances precisely.

Native-speaking Specialists 

It's widely recognised that only native speakers can produce precise transcripts. Our native Ukrainian transcribers possess linguistic expertise, ensuring authentic and culturally suitable transcriptions. Our team exclusively consists of native professionals.

10 Years of Industry Experience

Since 2014, we've been providing online Ukrainian transcription and translation services. Throughout the years our team has been maintaining the highest standards of precision.

Highly Competitive Prices 

Discover more favourable rates for professional Ukrainian transcription services delivered by native-speaking linguistics degree holders and receive a discount. Request a free quote today!

Efficient Time Management 

Our skilled transcribers work efficiently to deliver prompt results. We consistently meet tight deadlines and project specifications.

Satisfied Client Base 

We encourage you to explore our reviews on Trustpilot's online platform. Our company has an 'Excellent' rating, with 97% of customers awarding us 5 stars!

Book Ukrainian Transcription Services today!


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Ukrainian Transcription Services

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