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Чарльз Бейл
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Easy way to download Counter-Strike 1.6 free

If you're looking for a way to download cs 1.6 for free and virus-free then we highly recommend one of the best Counter-Strike websites: Down-cs.su.

There you can easily find all of the most popular and unique version of this famous legendary first-person shooter, from the most popular original version to editions like Zombie and HD. All of the versions presented on the website are completely safe to download, easy to install and a joy to play. If you not sure which one to pick we suggest to start with clean version.

It is the most classic CS 1.6 and includes all the necessary features like powerful protection from any kind of malicious scripts, bots that adjust to any map you launch and original models. The version is mostly identical to oficial steam CS however unlike licensed one it is totally free to get and uses a more common 4551 build that allows to use any kind of addons you want to install. Playing with bots is very important for those who just starting playing cstrike. In fact we recommend to practice in single player for at least a week before joining one of the servers in the browser.

If you wish to play online, you will need to choose "find servers" option and then order servers by ping to find the best location for you. There are plenty of servers available so just browse through until you find a map you like best. For example, it could be classic gameplay or a mod like surf, jailbreak, zombie or even kz and deathrun. All of the mods are fun to play so you won't be bored. If you're feeling lazy, just choose "random server" option to get connected to one of the best servers.

It's important to notice that all of the server in game search are 100% secure and free of malicious scripts so we highly recommend to join the servers in the browser instead of other ones. Aside from clean edition you could try such classics as source edition which makes 1.6 gameplay look pretty identical to CSS. Especially if you like the version, it carries all of the source models, sounds and design. GO edition is also great and will be perfect if you like Global Offensive.

Take a look at HD edition if you're looking for amazing graphics and check out CS 1.6 Zombie if you're a fan of the zombie plague modification. The last one includes fully functional single player with zombie bots so you can have a lot of fan there. It includes the amxmodx and convenient admin menu that allows you to change maps and other things. It also includes hook if you want to goof around.

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